National Erasmus Games 2022 Granada

”This weekend has been amazing, I made many friends from all over the world and had so much fun, plus we won on basketball!”Thanos

Location: Granada (Granada)

Main aim

To have international students doing their mobility at Spanish universities come together in Granada to know the city and compete in a sport competition including football, basketball and volleyball

Target group

International Students on mobility in Spain

Short description of activities

With the collaboration of the University of Granada and the association Erasmus Student Network Granada, a sport competition in Football, Basketball and Volleyball was held in Granada, on the third weekend of March 2022.

The participants were of various nationalities and had the chance to discover the city as well as getting to know each other, while having fun competing in friendly games.

On Friday evening, a welcoming speech was given by the Restores of the University of Granada, together with other authorities, followed by a tour of the city centre and dinner.On Saturday and Sunday morning the competitions took place, having lunch at the university cafeteria on the first day and a big paella on the second.